Vereniging voor Ordinatie en Classificatie
Dutch/Flemish Classification Society


Who can become a member?

Everyone who through study, work or personal interests is, or wants to be, involved in classification or ordination methods, can become a member. Membership for (PhD) students is free.

The regular annual membership fee is €25. This amount must be transferred to: IBAN NL86 INGB 0000 1617 23 t.n.v. Vereniging voor Ordinatie en Classificatie. If you do not have a Dutch bank account, you also need the following information to make the transfer: BIC = INGBNL2A. Upon payment, clearly state your name as well as the appropriate year.

How to become a member?

Send an e-mail to Kathrin Gruber with your name, title, address, postal code, country, phone number.

For questions and additional inquiries concerning the VOC membership, please contact:

Kathrin Gruber, secretary VOC
Econometric Institute
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062PA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
email: gruber/at/

Extra facilities VOC members

Members of the VOC may profit of some additional facilities concerning international societies as well. The facilities are:

  1. For 39.50 € (normal price $ 80), VOC members obtain an affiliate membership of the Classification Society of North America (CSNA). Through this membership, you receive a subscription to the Journal of Classification, a bibliografic Classification Literature Automated Search Service CD, 20% discount on all books by Springer, online access to previous issues of the Journal of Classification and a discount on the registration fee for the annual CSNA meeting.
  2. For 41.50 € (normal price 148 €), VOC members may subscribe to the journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC).